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Tradecraft > Activist's Top Ten


Make every word count.
Make every word work for you—everything (letter, spray, statement, speech, cable, memo) you send forward is an opportunity to advance policy and your perspective.

Express Ideas Simply, Clearly.

Distill idea/proposal to three/four points, to a plan, a one pager.

Use this page/plan as a starting point to be fine-tuned by all parties. People can then agree on same idea, same way forward.

Make your Idea their Idea.

Theft of idea is good—increases chance it will work. Encourage thievery!

Lean in, Show some [policy] Leg.

Can't make diplomatic magic without pushing the envelope.

Explain Idea with Maps/Pictures/Basic Charts.

Make idea/plan clear—eg use a simple map or chart—push shared understanding of battle lines; energy—sell a pipeline plan.

Create/impose proper/common understanding.

Calendar is Your Friend.

Use dates/events/calendar to push for action.

Determine you need X by Y date/event. Convince people of the need and the way to achieve.

Then easier to get people “all aboard”

Think of every meeting as a chance to move policy forward. Why else are you meeting if not?

If no Press, Did the Tree Fall?

Remember Economics.

Don't get caught up in war and politics and forget econ. Prosperity matters!

Next generation, entrepreneurship, hope—always should be part of the conversation.

Room for creativity here—private sector has ideas, resources.

Make Everyone your Advocate.

Foreign interlocutors, the Hill, NSC, UN, EU, press, etc—persuade, help them understand, help them push the right policy.
Don’t be Cautious.

Try. Mess up. Try again.



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