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Tradecraft > Speaking to the Press

Richard Boucher


70% Looks, 20% Sound, 10% Content

Comb your hair

Talk Slowly

Watch yourself with the sound off

Don’t mumble; speak on a good connection

Free your hands, lift your chin, look at the camera, lean forward

Think with your mouth shut

Stop saying… Uh, well, So, OK

Pause and think

Silence (in small doses) makes you look thoughtful

Finish sentences with your mouth closed

Know who you are (The Simba Rule)

Only say what you know you know

Do your homework, study, rehearse

Know your main points and make sure you make them

Practice a sound-bite—9 seconds (about a Tweet)

If an answer is more than 40 seconds, it better be good

Anticipate questions, you can probably figure out 70%

They will write the story

Tell a story, not just facts; use examples: What happened, Why, How, What does it mean?

Do you want to be in the story or not?

Can you help the reporter get it right? Even if you don’t have a point of view, don’t end up fixing errors tomorrow

Treat their questions with respect, they get the last word

Make the rules clear

On camera, on-the-record, background, off-the-record

Live? Taped? In its entirety? Right to approve quotes?

You state the rules: “We’re on background here, right?”

The more up front you are, the more credible you are

Talk to your mother

Small words, big thoughts

If your mom understands, others will too

If you can’t convince her, you won’t convince anyone

She’ll be excited to see you on TV

Always tell the truth

Everything can be searched and checked—forever

You don’t have to tell all the truth, but everything you say must be true and not designed to mislead

Admit mistakes; make the story about how you are fixing the problem, not about the problem

Talk to the crisis

First reports are always wrong! Don’t forget this! Ever!

Keep cool, your first job is to build confidence

Use action verbs: “We’re investigating.” “We’re contacting.” “We’re examining.” “We’re preparing.” “We’re searching.”

NOT: “We’re waiting for more information.”



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